Te Kāhui Rau
Te Kāhui Rau is a movement,
it signals our commitment to creating
positive change for future generations
through the revitalisation of Te Taiao.
An aspect of this kaupapa is our research and regeneration project to define our relationship with Te Taiao through whakapapa, mātauranga Māori, indigenous practices, and the sciences. Our goal is to enhance the health and vitality of our whenua and whānau.

Rautāpatu is proud to share our transformative vision to heal our people and whenua through the restoration and revitalisation of Te Taiao.
Our contribution is to
re-build a strong foundation based on connection to one another and place.
Our People
Rautāpatu is committed to the kaupapa of regenerating Te Taiao and reconnecting the people of Ngāti Tāwhirikura. Our Team brings together a wealth of knowledge and experience, coupled with a dedication to embedding tikanga Māori in all of our mahi.